This year, Fall has special significance. The nation will see whether its collective outrage over the President's and Congress' plan to assume control over the remainder of our nation's health care will have any effect on the implementation of that plan. The optimist in me hopes that the legislators have sensed their own political demise if they pass the bill. The pessimist in me understands that they probably have the votes needed to pass the House bill pretty much as is after conference committing with Senate. About 1/2 the nation is outraged with what is going on. 30% think the 50% opposing the bill are heartless backwater inbreds because they don't support the bill. Another 20% don't have a clue what is going on and couldn't care less if they did know. I wonder how those demographics will play out.
Reality is that we are on the cusp of becoming a nation that is different from what our founders intended. The 60's radicals have taken power. I hope this Fall is a big one because the collective wisdom of the American people prevails over the radical agenda. If it does not, then historians will mark this Fall as the beginning of the end of our constitutional republic.
I pray that we choose wisely.