Saturday, November 7, 2009

An Unhealthy Prescription

The House is debating its health care bill today. I urge all two of you who read my blog to write to your congressman to tell him what you think. This bill if passed will change what it means to be an American in profound ways and take us down a path I don't want to tread. Following is my brief note to Congressman Rick Larsen:

Dear Congressman Larsen, As the House is debating its health care bill I urge you to reconsider voting for the bill. It is an ill conceived piece of legislation that the majority of your constituents don't want. It's not that many of us don't want health care reform. We do. However, this 2000 page monstrosity, which I'm sure you have not read in its entirety, creates a massive new bureaucracy and burdens our future with trillions in debt in a way that will cripple our economy. There are better ways to control health care costs and to provide options for the non-insured and marginally insured. This bill is too expensive. It is ill conceived. It rewards special interests. It limits individual liberty and choice. It's the wrong bill at the wrong time. Please vote no.