Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's All About Me

Two small books have taken the publishing world by storm over the last few weeks. One is Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny and the other is Glenn Beck's Common Sense. I have both books. They each provide interesting analysis on how we got into our present mess. Levin's book is a more scholarly approach than Beck's; however, Beck's book is a little more accessible. Essentially, however, these two guys are saying the same thing. Everyone should read both books because they provide excellent analytical frameworks to assess the current state of the world.

That being said, I was really bugged this afternoon when I heard Levin ranting over the fact that Beck and OReilly were alleging book sale numbers that were overstated. He was claiming that his book was outselling theirs and that jealousy was driving the other guys to overstate their book sale numbers.

Is that really all that Levin has to worry about? If he is really interested in preserving our liberty he should be grateful for the efforts of others trying to do the same thing. Who cares who is selling more books? The point is that a lot of good books are being sold and hopefully read. Whether Levin's book or Beck's book, each can educate about the uniqueness of the American experiment and warn of the dangers to which it is being subjected by the soft tyranny of progressive ideas.

Come on guys it's not about you. It's about all of us.


  1. Ok the first comment I tried to leave didn't appear to post as my computer is having a mental breakdown. Today I was searching for some information on our country and how it all began, basically the thoughts of the men who had influence in creating the constitution. I saw Thomas Paynes "Common Sense" and puchased it hoping to gain a greater understanding of those great men and the beginnings of our country. I am glad to see your post with additional information/insights about how we got where we are today. Thanks for the post.

  2. Gee Beth, I didn't know anyone was even reading this thing.

